
Following your subs & speaker threads over at The HT forum, you have reinforced my findings of a few years ago when I was auditioning many different brands & models of speakers & subs.

Basically I found that virtually every product was competent in its own right with subtle differences that gave them their own sound signature or character. There were no real bad units nor any that stood out dramatically better from the rest. I could have lived with any of them. I believe that with modern equipment, designers & builders are generally putting out really good stuff at a reasonable price.

I know that this flies in the face of many out there that will participate in needless juvenile knock-down drag-em-out fights on some forums over components that essentially are 'similarly good'. I don't get it.

Thanks for bringing some sanity & a pragmatic voice to this interesting pastime. Hopefully, some of these vocal experts out there will find your credible stuff & digest it.

To you & yours, have a wonderful Christmas Season. It looks like a 'green' one out here but the local mountains are covered in the 'white stuff' - unlike last year...