John, you are one of the most eloquent crackers I've ever had the pleasure to run into. You're a joy. Outspoken (which I happen to appreciate), but a joy.

One of the great things about getting older is that you come to the realization that "good" and "bad" need have nothing whatsoever to do with "like" and "dislike."

Using films as an example, the generally accepted "best" movie ever made is Citizen Kane. I won't dispute the "best" label, but I've never liked the movie. It just never has reached into me and touched something in my head or heart, and moved me. And, (here's the good part) it doesn't bother me, in the least that I don't like it, nor does it bother me if others DO. I no longer need to justify my "likes" and "dislikes" by the generally accepted "goods" and "bads." Truly liberating.

There are a number of artists on that list that I don't believe belong there (though I'm not sure if the list is criticizing their music, or only their live performances). In all probability, many of you would think they DO belong there. It doesn't matter.

I've been a musician all my life. And, the only thing that matters about music, is that YOU enjoy it. "Good; "bad;" irrelevant. It is my fervent hope, that whatever type(s) of music you listen to, you listen because it stimulates your mind, touches your heart, lifts your soul, and makes life a little sweeter. The single greatest reward of being a musician (even a relatively unsuccessful one like me), is the knowledge that you've spent your life doing something that gives pleasure without doing any harm.

So you NEVER need to justify your musical likes and dislikes to anyone.................except yourself.

OH GAD! I apologize for this philosophical diatribe. Chalk it up to no breakfast yet, hence low blood sugar. I'll go eat now.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton