Fwiw my argument wasn't for "more is better" but rather with 4 (or more) points above you it will work better as a system.
5.1 can be really good. 5.1.4 should be incredible.
I've gone back and forth between 5.1 and 7.1 and have had 5.1 layouts which were more immersive than most of the 7.1 layouts I've tried.
My poor mans atmos was to lower my towers to the ground, have my L&R (QS8's) surrounds with the bottom driver at ear height when seated and my rear surrounds (direct firing at the time) at ear height for my back row (18 inches higher than my QS8's).
The first time I watched Star Trek after the set up my head turned as a spear flew by me. When I watched Band of Brothers I was in a fox hole surrounded by troops crossing behind me and to my left while bullets wizzed by.
Atmos will be apart of any room I own in the future. My 7'2" ceiling height and lack of extra funds limit me at this time.