Yeah, my daughter's roommate has been on campus with her MacBook Pro and I guess she complains about something every day (so my daughter says, but I think it is mainly weak wifi).

Her parents paid $1900 (which includes tax, 3 years of AppleCare and accidental protection) for it, it is brand new, and she actually likes my daughter's $1050 (also includes tax, 3 year onsite warranty and accidental protection) Lenovo which out-specs the $850 more expensive MacBook. It would have been another $300 for the processor upgrade to match the Lenovo spec, so maybe it is a price thing that has her less than thrilled about her MacBook.

Maybe she never wanted a Mac due to lack of Mac experience.

Maybe she doesn't get along with technology (my wife is like this).

Maybe my daughter's roommate is just grumpy.

Then again, I have no idea if her family is "all Apple" or if she even really used a computer much outside of school, so your kids may just be more used to the MacBook or computers in general.

I'm just hoping that since it is my daughter's money that she takes care of it better than if we just handed her a computer. I guess time will tell.

I was just really happy when my daughter decided NOT to get a Dell. The Lenovos are probably one of the best (overall) built Windows based PCs out there, and definitely have the largest laptop market share globally, so they build and ship a lot of product. They aren't as cheap as a Dell, but they also aren't made as "cheap" as a Dell, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I've totally derailed this topic. Note that this wasn't a iOS vs Windows response. I never slammed anything. Just an observation.

Farewell - June 4, 2020