Here is a link that I found from AVS. I think it's hilarious.

Some of my favorite things that this stuff can do:

* aligns and balances chakras and merdians
* balances and cleanses aura (mist over head & let fall all around the body to the feet)
* acts as a negative ion generator
* clears stressful emotions and negative thought forms
* clears all negative energy from crystals, food, rooms, people, pets & whatever you want to use it for
* facilitates focus and clarity in work and play
* disperses anger
* clears bed of nightmare energy and previous energy of dreams
* creates environment for visionary dreams
* neutralizes negative or hateful thought forms
* anchors shifts of healing session & continues the clearing of all that has not been released
* discharges "unwanted entities" and sends them to the Light
* assists in bringing more healing light into the physical body and aura

Wow, quite the product. I've been looking for a product that could neutralize my negative thought forms and discharge "unwanted entities" and send them to the Light! And only $15 for 1/2 oz!