looks like the active crossover axiom is becoming a reality.
I was still questioning LFR1100 over the M80... and now Active LFR1100. If money was not a factor I'd be there. Don't forget you'll need to add 10 channels of amplification to boot. One of these days I'll have to visit and do a M100/LFR1100/Active LFR1100 comparison.

Eventually, I assume this will all go into the speaker cabinet ... and you'd just plug your pre-amp into it. Speaking of pre-amps ...

If designing a state of the art pre-pro was not such a hairy task (i.e. coming out with something before the main stream decoder chips/designs are available) ... I'd put a 16 channel surround processor on the axiom wish list ... In the mean time I'll probably be going the AV8805 route unless something better comes out between now and November.

Last edited by rrlev; 04/01/19 06:35 PM.