He really is running 5 ADAs per active LFR1100. It's a good assumption they're bridged. He must have them 50 feet apart and sitting at least that far away. I'm sitting 10 feet away from my M5s which are 10 feet apart, listening to Burning Down the House through my puny Pioneer at -10 and it's more than enough to rattle my rib cage. Clean too!

One ADA-1000 is more than enough for my M100s for either music or movies. That's at 13 feet away with the M100s 12 feet apart in a 4,200 cu. ft. room. With the ADA-1000/M100, I can turn my Onk up to 0dB and it's loud and clean! It's pretty cool but only tolerable for songs that are relatively quiet with huge swings. A real treat.

The 1500 is absolute insanity. I cannot shut it down and it brings the M3 and M5 to their knees. I am sure I could ignite the M3 with it and while Ian said to give the M5 all the 1500's love, I can't bring myself to do it. Not the M100 though although I am sure it's pretty close and the voice coils are gasping for air. Those HP drivers are looking like Marty Feldman's eyes. I had my muffs on and this time ear plugs as well but can still hear the huge, enveloping sound. The hairs on my arms were standing up like a werewolf in heat. LOL!

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated