The speakers arrived yesterday! Very quick shipping. I unboxed them right away and was immediately taken back by the size of both the M100 and the QS10. They are both much larger than the M80 and QS8. I LOVE the QS10 mounting bracket/power tab combo. It was super easy to install where my former mounting bracket was and to be able to just drop the speaker into place and have it powered was awesome. After hooking everything up I re-ran Audyssey to calibrate the new system. One of the M100s must be wired backwards internally because the Denon warned me that the left speaker was wired backwards. I checked my cables and I was wired correctly, so I just swapped my cables and finished the calibration. The Denon correctly assigned a 60 Hz crossover for the new QS10s, and left my existing rear QS8s at a 90 Hz crossover. Of course the M100s and the VP180 were set to "Large" automatically.

The sound of the M100v4 compared to the M80v2 is a night and day difference. The "punch" that I felt was lacking is definitely there now. But what surprised me the most initially is that they are definitely louder. I have to set the Denon about 3 or 4 decibels lower than what I usually set it at for my normal listening volume. I didn't run my db meter app to see if it is actually louder, but I could tell it is.

We listened to a bunch of different music selections last night and all of them sounded amazing, super clear, and "different" than they did with the old speakers. It really is interesting how different (in a positive way) the music sounded by simply going from the M80v2s to the M100v4s. I never would have thought it would make such a dramatic improvement in the sound quality.

Tonight we are going to put the QS10s to the test. I just picked up Avengers - Endgame, and it will be family movie night with the kids. I'll let you know how they perform, but I'm sure we will all be blown away.

Edit - I forgot to add. After listening for about 5 hours yesterday at a pretty loud volume (-6 db on average), the Denon was hot to the touch and the ADA1500 was not even what I would consider warm. It was almost cool to the touch.

LFR1100 Actives,QS10HPx2,QS8x2,EP800,M3x4,M3x2 (Wood),M5HPx2 (Wood),AxiomAir,ADA1500-8,ADA1500-7