I totally concur. I cut out all unnecessary sugars and starchy carbs 8 months ago and now I am, if you can all believe it, even more buff and hunky than before!

All my life I was told to stay away from fats. Total BS. Bad fats like Snickers bars yeah, but proper doses of good fats like avocado oil, olive oil, cocoa butter are so healthy. I did away with pasta, bread, chips, cakes, rice, most everything canned and processed except beans, tomato paste, artichokes and coconut milk and now chow down on tons of veggies, legumes, some fruit, oatmeal, eggs and chicken. Cauliflower and yam rices are good substitutes for rice. Almond flour and dutch cocoa are great substitutes for flour.

My skin looks like a supermodel's, I sleep better and have even more energy than most of today's teens. This summer I was processing more logs in a day than a colony of beavers does in a week.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated