Rebulx, that doesn't apply to you. You will need 10 channels of amplification for the active omnis for your new place. Simply put, that means you will need two ADA-1500-5 - one for each channel. You will connect your receiver's right pre-out to the eight DSP and then the right ADA and the left pre-out to the left DSP and then the left ADA. Each ADA will have five speaker cables going to each speaker: woofers, front mids, front tweets, rear mids, rear tweets - that's 5...see?

Canes's question was for passive omnis. Those aren't for you. They're not for Canes either. If he buys them, he'll eventually trade them in for actives.

Last edited by Mojo; 02/05/21 04:15 AM.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated