Ok...some great input guys. Many of you strayed from my very direct questions about particular things...but i still appreciate your thoughts.

I already have plans to order a proper sub in may

By june...i was going to be buying a new reciever. Im eyeing up the denon x3700h for many particular features and my own reasons.

Ive lurked many hundreds of posts about dirac. Many like it and many prefer audyssey xt32. I need many more features than just dirac...at a reasonable price point. The denon fits all these criteria.

The speaker upgrade will likely come in the fall.

Nothing feels as drastic a change as switching to new mains smile

As happy as i have been with my m80's for the last 8 years...i want more.

Chesseroo...i really appreciated ur take on those sets.

Ive always been interested in trying some monitor audios. Or the JBL hdi3800s get AMAZING reviews...

But my financial ceiling would be around 4k tops(cad). So that puts even the rf7 iii a little out of my range. With discounts and b stock...the m100 is the clear financial winner for an upgrade. So i lean towards it. I just wonder how notable a difference it would make.

I do agree too and find the m80s to be "crisp" in the highs especially at loud SPL's.


Unfortunately, i had both a sc-57 and a sc-61 fail VIA the famous "ue22". After the thread at avsforums blew up bad and pioneer finally owned the problem and started a warranty program...i was able to get the sc-57 fixed. But i then gave it to my dad and my sc-61 then did it. But onkyo bought pioneer and stopped the fix program. The cost to ship it from my rural area to a deal plus cost of repair....is almost as much as my new denon im eying up. Im done with pioneer. Right now im limping by with an old onkyo(really old. Maybe the first hdmi models). No pre outs..so cant use my rotel currently either. I cant listen at very loud levels currently. But its enough to get by.

That being said...when i was shopping around for my sc61, i first took home a marantz s5007 i think....while it was nice...i didn't like audyssey. It wouldn't let me tweak hardly anything. I much preferred mcacc over it. I returned it in favour of sc61

But i know audyssey has evolved and now that im going tl be getting serious with subwoofer integration...audyssey xt32 will probably be much more ideal. I hear arc and dirac are good too of course.

So like mentioned above...a serious subwoofer and receiver IS coming first.

But back to my main inquiry...with the suitable power...will the m100s be night and day difference to m80 v3? Anyone listen to m100s against other notable speakers?

And anyone have info regarding my Rotel questions in the OP?

Love talking stereo...thanks guys! smile

P.s. mojo...you and your subs haha. Love it

2 Axiom M80s v3-custom
1 Axiom VP160 v3-custom
2 Axiom QS10HP
2 Cerwin Vega CMX 12's
Pioneer SC-57