Hello all,

I recently notice a really annoying buzz from my system that is especially annoying when using my headphones.

I currently have a AIWA XR-H66MD (CD/MD changer) hooked up to my NAD C 320BEE using a pair of Monster THX Ultra 600 cable (1m).

Here are some troubleshooting I've done:

The buzz is there even when the AIWA's turned off.

The buzz is only on the channel the AIWA's connected to. (None of the other open channels produces this buzz).

The buzz disappears if I have the connectors at the AIWA end touch each other. So this would seem to suggest that maybe the AIWA connection's not properly grounded?

The only other thing I can think of is if the cables are bad...?

The amp's brand new (less than 1 month old). The cables are supposedly new (I bought it used from someone who claimed to have used it for only 10 hours or less). The AIWA's pretty old, but I like the 3CDs and 5MDs capability.

Please help!

Jeff 2x m22ti and 1x VP150 Panasonic SA-XR55S