I mainly focused on tonality and any frequency response colorations. Both are neutral in the bass and midrange regions. My setup requires close placement with the floor, but as long as they are on stands tilted up 15º and appropriately separated, the Yumi's have excellent soundstage and imaging. The tweeter waveguide helps, and there's no sign of midrange beaming to affect dispersion.

The TUK apparently isn't a neutral loudspeaker either. I'm thinking that Kanto, Klipsch, Paradigm, and PSB are all goosing the treble to dazzle showroom tire kickers, even though it's fatiguing for long term listening.

I'm struggling with the Onkyo and wondering why it doesn't sound as good as my past Denon integrated amp or even my old Sherwood receiver. It's seemingly random, but distortion seems to come early at low volumes with anything connected to HDMI. I've since discovered that Bluetooth always sounds gloriously uncompressed and clean. Weird. I'm still fine tuning the settings, but I suspect that the Onkyo's onboard DAC or preamp is receiving too high of an audio signal through HDMI, causing distortion. I might do a post when I get to the bottom of it.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"