Everyone loves their QS10s. No one is going to trade them in until the QS12s come out.

If you don't mount them directly on the wall, you lose bass. They need to be mounted in the center of a minimum-sized area of 4' x 4' in order to benefit from boundary gain. Mine are mounted on the wall and are crossed to the sub at 40Hz. When I place them on ladders a foot away from the wall, they lose about 20Hz of extension. That 20Hz of extension from the QS10s makes a real difference for me. But you'd never know you're missing it until you hear it.

I'm looking forward to hearing how Atmos works with your QS10s. I think you will be very happy both with Atmos and legacy surround formats.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated