Reduce, reuse, recycle.

I wish the plastics would be reduced first at the seller. This is the hardest thing to reuse or recycle for consumers. I haven't yet seen these bags, but they will likely remain in the original boxes along with any foam packaging which will get stored in the garage rafters because i can't bring myself to throw that in the garbage and would rather hold onto it until the end of time or until we finally accept it into recyclable materials.
The plastic strapping?
Likely garbage.

I wish there were better ways to reuse some stuff, but even Trevors knee pads will wear and become garbage or if ever, maybe recycled at some point. We need to find better products than plastics for these purposes.

I bought a bamboo and plant fiber based toothbrush a few weeks ago. It's quite soft, fantastic. The package it came in resembled the strong, wax paper plastic of cereal bags but it was plant based, 100% compostable. Why are we not using that for more commercial applications?
Screw the cost. Plastic needs to go.

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