M2OWv4, EP125v4 and VP100OW for you. Love my M2OWv4 with EP125 in my 22x12x8 living room!

I also have an 800, 2x600, 4x500, another EP125, M50, M3, M5, M2 bookshelves, VP160, QS10, active LFR1100 with 20,000 giga Watts of amplification. But those M2s...OMG! They are THE BEST!

P.S. I also have audiobytes in burled walnut, an Air Freedom and an Air Force.

Last edited by Mojo; 01/24/22 02:44 AM.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated