Speaking of m5OW……My brother is considering m5OW ( and m3ow and m2ow with sub) He wants to replace his m60ti with something with a smaller footprint. So standmounts are out. He wanted in walls but I told him go for the OW and m5OW and maybe he won’t need a sub. He’s in a medium sized space. Long and narrow with 10 foot ceiling. It would be for 2 channel music and very occasional 2 channel TV movies.

Do you have a thread bookmarked with m5OW comments and discussion I can forward to him? No stress if it’s a pain. Searching topics in this forum overturns literally every rock ever made.

Last edited by Kodiak; 10/07/22 03:55 PM.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595