Speaking of knives, can anyone recommend an inexpensive but good knife sharpener?

I currently use a 120/240 grit Japanese whetstone. I'm proficient enough to get a tissue-cutting edge, but it takes 10 minutes to soak and another 5 minutes per knife to grind and burr it. It's such a cumbersome process that I only do it once a season, batching all of the knives at once.

It's a skill set I'd like to leave in the past, alongside calibrating a turntable and stringing a traverse curtain rod.

I haven't had much success with V-groove sharpeners. My last decent sharpener was a Furiitechnics diamond-fingers sharpener. It worked well, but I wore out the coating and the brand seemingly disappeared.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"