In reply to:

wife loves the cabinets and grills, and is OK with the install. she isnt very keen on me toeing in the speakers, but she will get used to it.

First off, Very Cool Setup, Dude...!

I understand your pain regarding the right hand M60 sits next to the door that leads into our bedroom...I have to move it over next to the DVD rack and toe it in when we watch movies and move it back next to the SVS when finished. I try to leave it pulled out and toed in when it is not in "movie mode" for better imaging when music is on but Sarah prefers it straight ahead and farther back near the wall...she says it impedes her entry and exit into our room...takes up less room straight ahead.

You can see here what I mean...

I need a different house!

Such is life...we deal, we deal...

Enjoy the music John!


"Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup..."