Honestly, danman, I can say that I didn't have the best OOBE (out of box experience) with 2 of my 3 Axiom orders, but it seems we're the exception, not the rule.

My M3s came with no problems. My SS24 stands had one misdied brass carpet spike that wouldn't thread in all the way - the threads disappeared at too shallow a point leaving it a 1/4" higher than the others, so for the time being, I'd put in one of the rubber bumper feet and waited (and waited) for the replacement spike, when it hadn't come by the time I ordered my QS4s, I asked Brent to throw it in with my QSs. My QS order came with two extra SS24 spikes (just in case), but on inspection of the QS grilles, there were holes in the grill cloth where the router had torn out a bit of the material and it wasn't sanded off - top grille on one, bottom grill on the other. Another call to Brent (I'm sure the sales phone is on his belt at this point ) and he sent out replacement QS4s via FedEx Overnight with return shipping labels for the damaged surrounds.

In the end, there were more problems with my orders than I would have expected and sometimes you just wonder (like I mentioned to Brent on the phone) if someone there doesn't like you - but after it was all worked out I'm very happy with my purchases and I'll finish up my HT with Axiom products.

Take a deep breath, check your horoscope and remember, you can't be a lightning rod for ALL the problems.

Bren R.