Having followed threads here for a while it seems the general concensus would be if you reside in the US then likely the HSU or SVS subs (ie: those in the same price range of the Axiom subs ) are likely the better deal. If you're ordering from Canaka then the price difference is negligible ( factoring in duties, taxes ...ect. )and there's not the same insentive to order other than Axiom.

There seems to be no actual comparision from anyone to go on and there are no complaints about Axiom subs. All reviews suggest they are very musical subs as apposed to just boom boxes. I think in general as stated HSU/SVS tend to be better deals for those in the US and that's why they are often endoursed here, but make no mistake those that have the Axiom subs seem happy with them and recommend them.

One nice feature of the Axiom sub is it'll match the other Axiom speakers you purchase...

If you are in Canada, recently on post here indicated there is someone in Ontario selling HSU subs. Unfortunately they seems to be selling only in Ontario. It does appear in the future there will be other dealer through out but who knows when.

Cheers, jag

Last edited by Jag; 05/19/04 06:01 AM.