Glad to see many people recommending SCEA games- like J&D, SOCOM, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank and a few others- cuz I work for SCEA . We had real Navy seals come in from Seal Team-5 for SOCOM, and they did 99% of the motions for us (I do Motion Capture). They put "taunts" in for multi-player, and those were done by a few of us in the Studio. Check out the "chicken dance" one, that is my friend Ryan- and it is just hilarious. Check out Rise to Honor also- those motions were all Jet Li himself, and his loyal stuntmen. We did that shoot in a big wherehouse and had full wire-work just like in his movies.

We are beginning work on several titles already for the PS3- which is gonna be amazing. When we first heard that Microsoft was jumping into the mix with the Xbox, some of us were worried at first, then we realized that most gamers would stay away from it simply because of Microsoft- and we were correct. It has some nifty features, and is certainly a capable system, but they don't have nearly as many titles available. Part of the reason is that game developers don't often have the resources to produce on two different consoles, and given the choice, the PS2 is the better option for them because it is so popular.

EDIT: BTW- if you have a large TV, it is definetly preferable to use S-Video or Component with the PS2. With S-Vid on my 55" phillips, it is much, much, much better than with the analog that comes with it.

Last edited by ElTorrente; 05/29/04 09:50 AM.