
Others here will tell you to ignore the impedance issue, your Kenwood can handle it just fine, but I'm not among them. I'd definately think twice before subjecting your receiver to that load, but again, that's just me. You've got a few options, however: you could always buy the 80s, and sell them (likely at a profit) if they're a poor match for the Kenwood. Or perhaps your super-secret dealer has a pair of M60s to sell you at a cheaper price instead (the 60s nominal impedance is 8 ohms, much less of a potential difficulty with the VR-510. Or you can live with 80s driven by the Kenwood for a time with an eye toward upgrading your receiver to a more robust model in the future (the oppurtunity of buying the 80s at this price will not likely present itself again; strike, while the iron's hot, man!).
Lastly, for pete's sake, Syxx! I understand your not caring to post the retailer's name here in the open forum, so how's about e-mailing it to me? Your choice, mate. Cheers!