There are a great number of remotes that will meet your needs. The first step is deciding if you prefer touch screen or hard button for your remote. People swear by (and sometimes at) the Phillips Pronto ($200+ USD; extra $50+ for charger) and others like it for touch screen remotes. I was thinking of going that way a couple months ago (even had the green light from my wife!), but then I stumbled across the Radio Shack 15-2104. It is $40 US, but was on sale for $20. I figured I'd take a shot, and it has been great. It's a hard-button, and controls all my gear (can control up to 8 components), and can be set up to do at least four 15-command macros. There's a great deal of functionality in this remote (even beyond what's discussed in the manual), including two-color backlighting. It's worth its price at $40, and is a relatively inexpensive way to clean up the amount of remotes laying around. It can learn any special functions from your original equipment remotes as well. Since I've had this remote, I haven't felt the need to go all out for the more expensive Pronto or other touch screens.
Here's a site dedicated to Radio Shack and One For All remotes:

Other remotes of note (reviews, forums, etc) can be found at:

have fun, and good luck!

