Welcome to London Snippy, I've been here for the last 8 months and I SORELY miss my M3s. They're locked up at a friend's place (fear of burglary).

London's lovely at this time of the year. Enjoy yourself thoroughly over here. The 1000 year history it has can be seen when you visit all the attractions. The Brits are nuts about lager. Do have a go at some fine scotches, irish creams etc. and of course "football".

Not much here in terms of the audio industry (compared to the USA). I have listened to Tannoys, B&W and plenty of Wharfedales. Nothing beats my M3s in the same range till now. Maybe, just maybe, Mission comes close. Tannoys are great but quite expensive too. You'll find London expensive for almost anything and everything. Yes, Beer is expensive here too.

If you fancy, you could have a nice dinner or lunch in THE ANCHOR. Its a 400 year old pub just off London Bridge where Shakespeare used to hang around. Food and ambience are very good and they stock a decent range of drinks too.

Have fun, and if you're at all interested in picking up any electronics, the cheapest place in London is Richer Sounds (www.richersounds.co.uk). Still, nothing holds a candle to the sheer variety available in the US and Canada.
