You're right about my punctuation - I do know better.

I wasn't being critical of your choice of words to be mean - I actually was trying to help. Maybe in the future I'll send PMs. After the baby was asleep one night my wife and I discussed possible careers for the little guy. She wants him to win the Heisman (sp?) and go on to become President! I want him to become a doctor - have the ability to make good money and do good things for people at the same time.

I said it seemed you wanted the Polks to win because in every case where the M22s had a possible advantage you found reason to like the Polks as well or better. For example, you described the midrange of the M22 as being superior, but chalked it up to a misperception due to the M22s lack of bass. If you're using your ears as a device to judge the qualities of the speakers you're listening to, don't let your brain overrule their findings.

I've never heard the M22, but a friend who has heard them said I probably wouldn't like them due to the lack of bass. I do think that with a small subwoofer ( maybe not a big 12" job) you could make up for that deficiency rather easily and take advantage of the M22s clarity and lack of coloration.

After listening to my Monitor Audio Bronze 2s for a period of time I have come to realize it is easier to live with speakers that seem to lack something than speakers that reproduce bass or midrange colorations. Not to say that is what the Polks do, but it is what my MAs do and I knew it when I bought them - yet I still chose them over M3s in an in-home demo! Why? Looks and a little more forgiving top end. Sometimes I regret the choice, sometimes I don't.

No offense intended on any front. Good luck with the Polks.