This is a well discussed topic, and of course on this board, the central topic is Axiom value position.

But this is no different than that of a $20k car and a $150k car. To be sure, the brand has something to do with the cost. As would the engineering, quality of components, etc.

We need to remember that all people are different (both in tastes, financial situation, needs, wants, etc) and that is the reason we have choices. It would be pretty boring if there was only ONE choice for speakers, amps, sources, cars, etc...

Does all this equate to a better product? Not necessarily. I would caution of ruling out high priced pieces solely on the price tag alone. Use them to listen and learn. You will find good and bad in every price segment, but the value to you is the experience of defining your interest and is really a piece of the spirit of the hobby of audio!