The 3300 is a great receiver, with loads of power and features. In many ways, it is superior to the current 1400 and 750 offerings that Yamaha is pushing with YPAO and 7.1. But that said, it is a little bit of yesterday's news. Again, though, mostly because it doesn't have any 7.1 processing or outputs and no YPAO. Now, that said, 7.1 and YPAO are, by no stretch of the imagination, necessary features. If the 3300 has the kind of power and features (component switching, second room capability, inputs, DSPs, etc.) that you seek, then go for it at that price. It certainly is a quality product that will make you happy.

Think of it like buying last year's computer. It still kicks a ton of a$$, has loads of features and will satisfy your needs. It just doesn't have some of the bells and whistes that manufacturers are telling you that you "need."

It seems we all did fine with last year's computers and receivers last year. And the last time I checked, this year ain't that much different than last - especially in the land of DVD (and 6.1 vs. 7.1).

So, take it for what it's worth. A good deal on last year's stuff.