I have had my M3ti's for almost one year and, in all honesty, I love them. A month ago I moved from a 12x12 room with thick carpet and modern sound-absorbing walls into another 12x12 room this time with hardwood floors, hard plaster walls, and a 9 foot ceiling. I've slowly worked the m3's into an "optimal" position of 3 feet in from the rear wall and aimed just in front of my listening seat (a big futon couch). But, when the music gets complex or bassy, I still lose detail and can hear "boominess" along with distinct resonant peaks on certain notes. Honestly, they are at 70% what they were in my old room! Asides from wrapping my room, speakers, and stands in eggcrate foam, do I have any hope of fixing this problem? Does the rear port contribute to the reflections and resonance -- ie, can I stuff something in there? Is my apartment a hopeless acoustical nightmare? Or, *sniff*, should I start looking for a smaller sealed-box speaker?

Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated...