
The DACs generally don't matter. Indeed, with musical programming, I have never detected audible differences except with test signals or certain musical material that can be especially revealing listening to residual distortion at the S/N limits of the converter--about 80 dB or more below reference level.

You are also comparing apples and oranges. Logic7 is a very sophisticated processor and often sounds somewhat better (in terms of realistic ambience extraction) than DPLII, particularly with 2-channel analog or digital sources and acoustical instruments.

Anecdotal reports of audible differences in the "sound" of DACs (typically from reviewers in tweaky magazines who never do instantaneous A/B comparisons with duplicate discs running in sync) are based on the most amateurish, casual listening and are never supported when rigorous scientific controls are applied.


Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)