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I went up onto the roof and split the signal (at the place where the cable guy originally split the cable to run it from the back of the house to the front). I wouldn't even know where to ground the signal to a copper pipe (i.e., where any pipes are, etc.).

Did you see a smaller gauge (thickness), piece of regular old wire going from a screw on the cable company's splitter to anything else metal on your house? Is there a screw on that splitter with no wire going to it? (It might be labelled "Gnd" or "ground", or it might have a little line drawing of an upside down triangle near it.)

I know that in Maryland, the cable company MUST ground the cable at the first junction on, or inside of the house. Sometimes, they use a 1 to 1 splitter (one in, and one out) with a grounding screw to accomplish that. Place a service call and tell them that you noticed that the incoming cable has no ground connection. They will send someone out to fix it. Free. If they don't, mention that you are a lawyer... Uh... I guess you already know that...

M- M60s/VP150/QS8s/SVS PC-Ultra/HK630 Sit down. Shut up. Listen.