I’m not an audiophile however, I am slowly finding myself becoming one. In the meantime, my wife can rest at ease as I am still not enrolled to The Klingon Language Institute. Anyway, I have read that a spade connection is better however, I haven’t actually taken the time to test this allegation with my own two ears for an audible difference. I do concur that for ease of use a banana plug wins hands down and I should know since I am an a/v installation tech by trade. Additionally, I’ve also read that a bare wire connection (to binding posts) doesn't always provide the ideal surface area contact and that it is also prone to oxidation. But, As far as what you’ll find behind my a/v receiver or RBH MC616 Towers you’ll find spades. : )

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. Voltaire (1694 - 1778)