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Here are my criteria:
1. Sound quality virtually indistinguishable from the CD
2. File sizes small enough to get 400-500 CD's on readily available, competitively-priced hardware
3. Ripping speeds appreciably faster than real time.
4. Ripping and Music library management software that is easy to use and compliant with listener-area-controllers
5. No super geeky or extremely obscure software/hardware solutions. I am not the alpha geek that most of you are.

1 - That can be done even with a MP3 at 192kbs if it's done right......I prefer 320kbs. Better safe then no Bass! lol

2 - Already out there!

3 - Speed can be a two way street. Rip to fast and you can get read errors and a few other problems. One thing with EAC and LAME is it's not the fastest way to go. I can use MusicMatch and rip a CD in under 3 minutes but it does not sound the same as when I do it with EAC and LAME. Some do but not all so I take my time and do it the way I think it's right the first time. My method however can take upwards of 10 minutes per.

4 - Tons and tons out know what and how I rip. As for how I look after my library, Winamp!

5 - It's not the hard once you decide on what software you want use and what codec it is you prefer.

As for LAME being slow and obscure. Not at all. LAME is all over the place and very popular. As for the speed, it all comes down to what software you use, what codec and how good is your CD drive that you want to rip from.

Does that help at all?