OK. I am about 2 weeks away from ordering my M60, VP150, QS8 and SVS 20-39PCi setup, but now I need to iron out the receiver.

I won't have a dedicated room in my basement for a theater, so I have to take in to accound the entire volume of the basement when picking speakers, but what about watts on the receiver.

I have been looking at the two following receivers (I know that there are plenty of others out there that are great too)... Sony STR-DA3000ES and Pioneer Elite VSX-54TX.

The Pioneer is THX Select certified, and has some nice features, but is about 110 Watts per each of the 7 channels (7.1 receiver). The Sony is not THX certified, but offers up 250 Watts per each of the 7 channels...

Right now, I will only have a 5.1 set up due to the location of the home theater area, but if we ever get around to building our home addition, the basement addition will become a dedicated theater, and even though I can only handle 5.1 now, I would like to have 7.1 for the future.

I have about $850 to spend on a receiver (the next step up Sony STR-DA5000 has 170 watts and is about $900 on Froogle).

Again, I want good quality, need 5.1, but would like 7.1 for the future, and need to have enough power for the big M60ti fronts....


Farewell - June 4, 2020