Thanks for all the help and advice. I'll go over and have a listen to the B&W's today. I have 4 mission 701 bookshelves, and an old B&W bookshelf for my center now. I know it is kind of a patched together setup.

I'm hoping to do this in stages, since I know I won't have the $8k or so for the TV, receiver, speakers and DVD player (along with getting a nice in-wall entertainment center built) all at once.

My first thing is the TV. Then I'm hoping to get a HSU sub. Then maybe the speakers, and then the receiver. I figure the longer I hold out on a receiver, the better the receiver will be, since they change every 8 months or so.

I'm hoping to have all of this done over the next 12 months or so, but I would like to pull the trigger on the tv and speakers in the next 6 months (another 3 months on the TV, when the house we are building is complete, and then the speakers 3 months after that).

If you want to help my cause, let me know if you or anyone you know needs a highly professional web site built. That's what hopefully will be funding this whole thing ( is my site)

Thanks again for the info, and I'll let you know what I thought of the B&W's.
