Yup. I have all of my CDs on the computer (probably not high enough bitrate to make them sound indistinguishable, but close enough for my ears), have a dock hooked up to the stereo, and have an auxiliary input on the car stereo. I have a 20 GB iPod (well, my wife does), which holds about half of our music at any given time. I have a setup where it randomly selects tunes for moving to the 'Pod, so I get a very wide selection. I know that you, Mark, don't like listening to differing music types at the same time; it's very easy to set up different playlists which can be listened to by themselves on random on the iPod and in iTunes.

BTW, I have a vested interest in promoting iPods. I work on Macs, and since the iPods are considered an entry product for Apple... the more people that have them, the better for me!

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!