i know ya'll been bashing NASCAR a little in here, and thats cool, to each there own.. i have never even been to a race with open-wheel cars, so i have no idea what i am missing. but i will say this..

i am a BIG NASCAR fan, and i get tired of the whole "its just a bunch of rednecks" attitude that everyone seems to have about it. there is just as much state-of-the-art technology that goes into the NASCAR's, as is in the open wheels. its just geared for different things. they are two completely types of automobiles, but the bottom line is still the same.. make 'em fast, reliable, and safe. thats what gets the drivers over the finish line. and as far as the excitement factor, i will take 43 NASCARS on a 1 mile oval, over 33 open-wheels on a road course any day. i guess it just comes down to what you are used to. and in my neighborhood, we got ford, chevys, pontiacs, and dodges. that works for me..

BTW- the NASCAR tracks/races i have been to are texas(3), darlington(2), rockingham(2), charlotte, and richmond. my wife and i want to go to the bristol night race before we die..

BTW#2- i am not angry or offended.. just got tired of reading all this without voicing my opinion.
