Nice rig Jon - and those offering personal preferences that lean a different way may have missed the earlier comment - "the fiance wanted to keep the unit". I believe we covered the NSAS factor in another thread .

After years of tantric electo-shock therapy, I finally realized that once I married, I had no preferences. Fortunately, my wife has been able to provide consistent support over the years with explaining what my judgment is and providing me with my opinion. I will ask her how much I like your entertainment center.

Moving on, let's discuss lighting. I recently picked up an Ideal-Lume backlight from Cinema Quest Inc based on some things I read and Jack's input. Has turned out to be a very nice solution for turning out the lights and having an ambient light background. Have you considered one of these, mounted on the back of the HT Center? Scads easier than trying to light the center section and the 6500K bulb is much less intrusive than normal incandescent light bulbs.