(do you guys hate it when an old topic is resurrected?)

On the subject of toast:

My current favorite toaster is an el cheapo
pannini press

but for the rest of the story...

My dad's first name was Bernard - his family called him Bern. One day, when he was a tyke, his mother was making breakfast. She sliced some bread and put it in the bread-browning-appliance My dad's toaster

and said to my Dad:

"Watch the toast, Bern"...

... and he did.

The toast, of course, was toast. So was the toaster. Fortunately the house did not "bern" down, and there were no casualties.

My Dad was a Scotch drinker (well, to be honest, Scotch, wine, beer but no coolers). In honour of my Dad's 80th birthday a couple of years ago, we threw him a party and I invented a shooter which I named after him: the Watch the toast, Bern:

- 1 oz single-malt Scotch into a shot glass;
- top up with 1/2 oz of Drambuie;
- using a vintage toaster (well, we did) toast some bread and cut into croutons;
- float a crouton on top;
- light on fire!
- chant "Watch the toast, Bern!";
- quaff (blow out flaming alcohol first).

... but, the best toast I ever had was using a fork over the campfire; with my Dad.