Per usual, there are two sides on this issue. Some claim there are sonic differences between receivers while others vehemently disupte that.

I recommend you find a quality audio store that will let you AB receivers including bringing one of your own (or a friends etc.) in. Then, you can decide for yourself.

I used to be of the opinion that a receiver/amplifier wouldn't color the sound. I suppose I based that opinion on logical thought and what I read in some of the forums. Of course, that all changed when I did some AB receiver comparisons of my own. Admittedly, in some cases I couldn't discern any differences. However,there were times when I did hear a difference. I didn't bother asking a bunch of questions nor trying to learn what could account for the differences, I simply trusted what I had heard.

Forums are a great way to learn about HT/electronics/setup/etc. However, don't believe everything you read on them. You must get out and discover for yourself young grasshopper.