In a different thread, I complained that the auto calibration in Denon 3805 is setting the distance of the subwoofer more than a meter further than it physically is. In that thread, JohnK pointed out that this is probably caused by delay in the Amp circuitry that causes a few microseconds delay in the sound coming from the sub and that this may be correct.

I decided to experiment in my setup. So I corrected the sub distanct to the actual distanct from the listening position and tested LotR RotK with that setup, then I increased the distance as per the Denon autocalibration and viewed the same scenes again.

With the increased distance, the setup that the Denon did in the autocalibration, I found that the sub sounds much more accurate and that the sub's blending with the mains was improved. The whole sound improved immensly with this setting.

This is my permanent setting now and I am extremely satisfied with it.

This is a hint for people to try (if people do not know about this already) and to check is anyone has a similar experience to me.

------ M80, VP150, QS8 Surr, QS8 Back Surr Sunfire Amp -M80, Denon 3805 -all else, SVS 20-39 PC+