Stargate SG-1 is my favorite. It's like the original Star trek in that the acting isn't that great and the special effects don't knock your socks off, but the stories are great. I have also warmed up to Atlantis. Makes for nice Friday night viewing.

I just read something interesting that apparently has some legs. SG-1 will be coming back for a 9th season. RDA , if he comes back at all, will have a limited role on the show. Making him a General and putting him in charge was a mistake IMO. Anyhow, they will be introducing the main guy in Farscape as a new cast member and put him in charge of SG-1. The plan is to not ignore the Farscape thing, but to invent a way to have him "return" and set up the whole Farscape experience to emanate from and be part of getting it's start with the Stargate. Sounds interesting.