I am using the VP100 for center and it has exceeded my expectations based on my readings that the center was so-so. I find it perfectly matched to the M2's and it is clear and natural sounding. I don't know what people are talking about saying the center is so-so, I think it is great value for the money. As for the sub I went with an SVS 20-39pci for $599 US or about $1200 Can when you factor in cable,taxes, shipping and exchange. This sub is worth every penny and more. It is tall vertically but you need the size to get down really low, as physics will dictate. This sub will really impress every audiophile that sees and hears your system. When you feel an earthquake or jet take off you will know that you made the right choice. Hey read the reviews, for the money you won't find a better one. The drawback is that you will become fanatical about them just like axiom customers.