I realized the other day, that I have owned, (thru many years) all releases of : Frampton comes alive!
I am going to use this "experience" to give a non-scietific
review of the various sound quality differences, per type of "disc".

The main thrust of this review is the SACD vs. the re-mastered HDCD versions.
I traded in my original, 2-disc set of FCA, at my local used cd shop, (scuff's) SO...this review will consist of:FCA SCAD 25th anniversary edition,...surround, plus high resolution stereo, 2-disc. Re-mastered classics version 1-disc, and FCA 25th annivrsary deluxe edition.
Although I have the LP's, and cassettes...I think a review of those would be moot.

I tested the (1-disc) RM cd first,...the sound mastering levels were up a bit, over "regular" discs. I played the disc at: -44.5db...the sound quality was fair, but there was distortion on some tracks...not present on any of the other discs I "tested".(Including the original cds).

I tested the SCAD, and thought this would be THE definitive version. No, in fact not even close! I had to play that disc at: -16.0db to set the volume level close to the RM cd.
Even then, the disc, sounded "flat" in compareson to the RM cd. This disc has regular stereo also, but my SCAD player will only play the SACD. I assume the stereo track would sound like the next discs I'm reviewing.

The next cd I am reviewing is: FCA 25th anniversay deluxe edition, 2-disc....HDCD, re-mixed, AND re-mastered. (I abhor the re-mixing of classic, analog music.)
This version, (which I bought on sale, and never expected too much) IS BY FAR THE "BEST".
I played these discs at: -44.5db....(to get the same volume level). Talk about a HUGE difference, one of the best "live" cds I've heard. The ONLY part that was a disappointment was, Frampton's guitar was mixed too far "back"...it kinda lost that "edge", BUT...considering some of the ham-fisted remixes of classic rock cd's I've heard....I can live with it.

In conclusion, I have found by using the same gear, settings, listening situation, etc. and having the unique opportunity to test ALL the cd versions out there, against each other, (that's why I used the Frampton cds) the SACD's are NOT in my non-scientific opinion, always the "best" possible format.
So......before you feel you MUST have a SCAD player, do some more checking on your own, FIRST.
I hope some will find this "review" interesting, and helpful.

LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"
