From what I remember, the big impact of mounting speakers horizontally is that your imaging gets messed up something fierce. I have zero experience with M22s horizontally but have experimented with a number of other similar-sized speakers horizontally including M2s.

After a while I just gave up, always mounted them inverted with tweeters at ear hight, and was happy. If there was any chance you could mount vertically, inverted and angled down I think you would be real happy. If not, I would take vertical M3s over horizontal M22s any day.

Have you considered camoflage ? Seriously, can you pick a speaker & grill colour that would disappear into the wall enough that you could get away with a vertical mount ?

One other comment -- room is 9' high and you mentioned the speakers would be wall mounted about 9' high as well, was the idea to put the speakers right in the corner between wall and ceiling ? Try to avoid that if possible.

I shouldn't really sign off without mentioning that you do have a pretty big room. I imagine the M22s will sound pretty darned good at normal volumes but they are probably not going to fill the room with loud music. My guess is that you're focusing on HT which should be no problem as long as your sub is up to the task and you aren't looking for "really loud".

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8