Humble opinion: Go w/ the XGA Mitsu (or the BenQ 6200 if you want to same some dough). If you're going to be doing a lot of standard TV watching and you go WXGA, you're going to lose all that resolution on the sides. I am in the camp that does not want to lose any resolution on the sides of my screen. I like it as wide as my screen and as tall as the source dictates.

FYI...not trying to start a 4:3/16:9 war. Aspect ratio is a personal choice based upon your viewing tendencies. Each configuration has it's pros and cons. In my case, I have dead white space above and below my widescreen formatted material. Those with 16:9 screens do not. But, that's something that I can rectify with proper masking. On the other hand, I get a much larger picture w/ 4:3 material. It really comes down to your personal preference.