This may be true, however..... Being that I have been an avid Car Stereo Fanatic for years, and have changed my system many many times... I know for a fact each company and component has its own sound. The trick is finding the the right combination for your liking. Its taken years but I finally have a system I love in my car. The Xtant amp's I use now are a much warmer sound then my Rockford Fosgates, but still found the system bright at high volumes. I changed out the Boston Acoustic Pro's I had for CDT Eurosports... and BAM the perfect sweet sound I love to hear. I can even say the best sounding CD player I ever had was an old Clarion Pro CD player.. It sounded awesome, but skipped like a mad man. So I had to sell it and went back to an Alpine CD player, and right away lost the clarity of the Clarion, but at least it did not skip.
My only point here is, Maybe it is just my ears, but I would state my life on it, that every component (Company) has a sound distinguishable to the next. I am open to all new things and am intrested in the possible dressing of the room. But at the same time, know that a new component in a system can change the sound completely.
I still have trouble delieving that a wire could make a difference, but its only because I have not heard it I am sure. I would love to hear a system locally with this expensive wire so I could demo it and see if I could actually hear a difference.
The only trick I see to making Dampening pannels for the room, is making it fashionable. This is my Familty room, and the room everyone uses when they enter the house... So it has to look good. I consider myself artistic, so could come up with something... As long as I could find materials that would not take away fron the pannels effects.