No "cock-blocking" intended...

Just wanted to let our friend know that there are otehr options out there.

My father-in-law bought a really fancy-schmancy LCD backlit remote that probably has more computing power that the space shuttle. But, for all of its $400 price tag and $600 programmer's fee (the guy came over and set it up for him), the thing don't work for sh!t. I hate the interface, its about ten times more complicated than it needs to be, and the programs have a couple of annoying bugs that neither of us are savvy enough to fix (that will cost another couple hundred for a visit from the programmer).

Anyway, cheap, easy, simple to use, very flixible, tweakable, and its internet based, so there is the ease of sitting at your ocmputer and figuring things out rather than punching in codes and nonsense on a tiny keypad until it works right.

As a bonus, they have a really great tech-support team who will trouble shoot for you (they can do this really easily because the program for your remote is accessible to them over the internet).

Just another option. Like Ray said, your taste/needs may differ.