Why would you ever crossover tower speakers at 80Hz if it was not necessary? I know most receivers have only one fixed crossover point from their sub output (usually at 80Hz) but there are other ways to connect the sub.

Wouldn't it be better (defined as taking advantage of the full range of the Axiom towers) to use either the sub / receiver's line level in/out or speaker level in/out? This way you could use the sub's variable crossover and take advantage of the tower's bass (ie. set the sub at ~ 40Hz). This will work with most receivers by setting the receiver's speaker settings as follows: front speakers to LARGE, the rear and center to SMALL, and the sub to either OFF or NONE.

In this configuration the sub handles 40Hz and below and the front towers handle 40Hz and above (any bass below 80Hz originating in the rear and center would also go to the sub - that's why you set those to SMALL).

I know this post is overkill on a trivial matter but I happen to be very curious about this subject (as well as dismayed that more receivers, preamps and/or processors do not integrate either variable crossovers or more fixed point options into their bass management - which would simplify the solution to this problem).

Thanks for your thoughts.
