I knew when I posted this thread that you guys were going to start bashing the prequals and lucas again. I have to say, you guys gotta lighten up. Remember, the movies are not made for us anymore. They are kids movies. In that context, both of the prequal movies thus far were pretty good. Yes, Jar-Jar was a mistake, but he probably made the kids laugh, which is the point. If you guys go into the next movie with this attitude, you are bound for disappointment. Have a couple of coctails, think about when you were that young, and then simply have some fun. With that mindset, there's no way you can't enjoy yourselves. Hell, it's STAR WARS!!!!....not a Clancy movie. You finally get to find out how Darth Vader came to be....Get Excited!!!!! (Yes, I know I'm showing my geekiness )